In 2012, the Connecticut General Assembly established the Racial Profiling Prohibition Project Advisory Board (Connecticut General Statute 54-1s). The advisory board was established for the purpose of advising the Office of Policy and Management with respect to the adoption and standardized methods and guidelines pursuant to Connecticut General Statute 54-1m. The advisory board has been meeting since May 2012 on a monthly basis to oversee the requirements of the Alvin W. Penn law. All meetings are open to the public.
Three Subcommittees were established to advise the advisory board on the various aspects of the project. Those groups include:
Assists the advisory board in shaping the system for collection and analysis of traffic stop records on an annual basis. Some of its activities include determining what information should be collected, how the information is reported to the state, and the best methods for analyzing that information.
Assists the advisory board in aspects of the project that relate to informing the public of the law and results from the annual analysis. The work group helps to coordinate public awareness and outreach efforts and works to ensure that all data and analysis are accessible to the public.
Assists the advisory board in aspects of the project that relate to training police agencies in the collections of traffic stop data. The work group also works to identify and implement quality bias-based policing programs for police officers.
Assists the advisory board in reviewing any proposed legislation related to the Alvin W. Penn law and makes recommendations regarding the board's position. The work group also reviews policy recommendations that address racial disparities in traffic stops.